(中文) Angry gun has gained a lot of attention recently for its innovative products for the airsoft community such as...
(中文) IRT is a company based in germany which produces top quality replica russian gears for different eras!! previously we...
(中文) Earlier, South Korean manufacturers Kimplacustom manufacturing Window breaker, the main purpose is fitted with silencers front end uses for...
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(中文) Spartan PVG-18嘅"Deluxe版"大家睇圖睇片到見唔少,咁有好多朋友都問Standard Version Ver. 呢,不如大家又睇下呢個由Spartan Airsoft用上 L-3 GPNVG-18與PVG-18 Dummy 比較...
(中文) 嘩"蛇仔花"...係啦就係大家等左幾個月, Kryptek Highlande終於於今日少量到達香港嘅 Bunny Workshop ,只有少量,所以細佬都急到....買左套....
(中文) 傳統以來,夜視鏡都是單筒或雙筒,視野總受著限制。 相信看過DARK ZERO THIRTY,看過NO EASY DAY,或是玩過Medal of Honor Warfighter......