(中文) 北韓再有軍事訓練片段發放,今次就沒有上次的那麼搞笑,但同時也錯漏百出(如上圖)再加上如馬戲般的練習,大家也不防去片看看!但記緊......
(中文) 戰術AK粉絲們如果你還是覺得你的戰術AK還是差少許,這個必然是大家的喜訊,Hephaestus快將推出GHK AKM/AIMS專用的M4尾托.而扣位是用上鋼來製造做,比市場上現有的更堅固.......
If you haven't heard about Killbuckets, then here's your first encounter of what he does. Here is a quick video...
(中文) 正如"反鋼珠、反鉛彈,否則wargame好快會完蛋!" ,相信大家都知道近期經常有些對"Wargame界/氣槍界"不實的報導,例如最近期 元朗發生的"槍擊案",當中凶手是使用鋼珠/鉛彈射擊,就這事件上報紙或新聞都是衝著我們Wargame界/氣槍界而來,使人唔解 . 但試問我們會使用鋼珠/鉛彈對打嗎? 使用鋼珠/鉛彈打IPSC嗎? 我們是打獵嗎? ...
We will start soon sale of the engine unit of MG42 which increased discharge speed. It is the video of...
(中文) Today BunnyWorkshop Brought us a short review of the Umarex / VFC UMP GBB , inside the video a...
Bunny Workshophave just release their new video of GHK G5, you can feel the recoil so strong in thie video...
.Bunny Workshop have just show us a short video of the Hephaestus New charging Handle For AKS74u, as they...
Here's John Lu explaining Red Storm III which is part of the Operation Lion Claw Series. If you're wondering why...
Adding to a group of limited edition Iron Man 3 collectible figures that currently includes Tony Stark as well as...