Hephaestus : New Charging System with Modular Rail Forend for GHK AKS-74UN/AKMSU

Hephaestus : New Charging System with Modular Rail Forend for GHK AKS-74UN/AKMSU

(中文) 上週未Hephaestus公佈" Charging System with Modular Rail Forend for GHK AKS-74UN/AKMSU " 會快將發貨,而剛剛他們表示以經出貨,小弟知道這Charging System 係好像多戰術AK迷夢未以求的產品,所以不要等囉......

KRISS Arms Terminates Licensing with KWA

KRISS Arms Terminates Licensing with KWA

It's finally confirmed with this press release from KRISS Arms. We have been hearing rumours of some problems between...

eHobbyasia : Sonic Laser for KWA KRISS Vector

eHobbyasia : Sonic Laser for KWA KRISS Vector

nteresting product that you can use for the KWA KRISS Vector GBB SMG which is available right now at eHobby...

(中文) Bunny Workshop: M4 hand grip adaptor for AK

(中文) Bunny Workshop: M4 hand grip adaptor for AK

(中文) Bunny Workshop剛剛發報了一張"M4 hand grip adaptor" 的圖片,意味著喜歡AK但又不喜歡AK手握的玩家們可以使用轉接器,隨意使用心愛的M4手握,如有查詢可聯絡Bunny Workshop......

(中文) WGC : Umarex/VFC UMP GBB (blowback tuning)

(中文) WGC : Umarex/VFC UMP GBB (blowback tuning)

(中文) 可能有朋友帶UMP返屋企後不太會Blow 上後座力的調教,無問題,看到WGC Leo以下的短片,你好快會啦!去片......

GHK G5 GBB Extension Kit

GHK G5 GBB Extension Kit

(中文) GHK G5 有加長套件相信大家都知,但係咩樣係點就唔知,但唔知點解係GBB Gamer群組中出現了一張以加長套件G5相片,雖然有點濛濛糊糊,但相信大家都唔會介意.... ...

(中文) Airsoft Alliance-Hong Kong: AIRSOFT Shooting Match EP4

(中文) Airsoft Alliance-Hong Kong: AIRSOFT Shooting Match EP4

(中文) AIRSOFT Shooting Match EP4圓滿結束,同樣地Airsoft Alliance-Hong Kong舉辦的AIRSOFT Shooting Match 2012 也圓滿結束.首先恭喜Ep.4 中得獎的所有選手,也同樣地恭喜得到全年總AEG及GBB組 個人冠亞季......

GHK G5 GBB Shooting test

GHK G5 GBB Shooting test

GHK G5 have just arrived to Hong Kong Finally, ofcoz Public Enemy are going to bring all our readers a...

(中文) [TAF topic] GHK G5 GBB 後座力狂潮降臨

(中文)  [TAF topic] GHK G5 GBB 後座力狂潮降臨

(中文) 萬眾期盼,GHK G5終於從工廠出來跟大家見面了!震撼的後座力狂潮席捲全台!雖然沒有著真鐵的加持GHK G5全台試打巡迴想必已經攻破玩家的心防試打巡迴所到之處彈無虛發摸過的玩家當場下訂的熱潮毫不退燒強大的後座力!絕佳的汽化效率!生來就是為了Airsot而生的GHK G5完完全全的震撼了全台灣的玩家!現在就來介紹這把後座力之王 GHK G5...

LCT Airsoft : TX-1 AK Hanguard

LCT Airsoft :  TX-1 AK Hanguard

A rather substantial product announcement from LCT Airsoft as they send in news about their TX-1 AK Hanguard that can...