Airsofters In Hong Kong Campaign Against Recent Air Gun Shootings

Airsofters In Hong Kong Campaign Against Recent Air Gun Shootings

A spate of airsoft and air gun shootings in the past few weeks in Hong Kong has gotten the local...

(中文) 反鋼珠、反鉛彈,否則wargame好快會完蛋!

(中文) 反鋼珠、反鉛彈,否則wargame好快會完蛋!

(中文) 正如"反鋼珠、反鉛彈,否則wargame好快會完蛋!" ,相信大家都知道近期經常有些對"Wargame界/氣槍界"不實的報導,例如最近期 元朗發生的"槍擊案",當中凶手是使用鋼珠/鉛彈射擊,就這事件上報紙或新聞都是衝著我們Wargame界/氣槍界而來,使人唔解 . 但試問我們會使用鋼珠/鉛彈對打嗎? 使用鋼珠/鉛彈打IPSC嗎? 我們是打獵嗎? ...

Epic Airsoft HD : APS UAR Review & Shooting Test

Epic Airsoft HD : APS UAR Review & Shooting Test

Review unit that came all the way across the pond for Jai to review in this new episode of Epic...

Red Storm III Day One Highlight

Red Storm III Day One Highlight

Here's John Lu explaining Red Storm III which is part of the Operation Lion Claw Series. If you're wondering why...

(中文) WARGAME GEAR HK : SRC高達槍發佈會

(中文) WARGAME GEAR HK : SRC高達槍發佈會

(中文) 昨日Wargame Gear H.K搞了一個很新穎的發佈會,而地點便令各位參加者興奮.當然小弟不能錯過,走到發佈會第一時間,聽到的不是什麼新槍資訊,而是一句"有咩可以幫到你呵,主人~!" 單單是主人這兩個字也令我興奮起來......

SCDTV – BO AKM Airsoft Rifle Review TEASER

SCDTV – BO AKM Airsoft Rifle Review TEASER

Remember the BO AKM ?! Yes, we all know it have a perfect outlook, but no one know about inside...

G&G Split Gearbox Demo at IWA 2013

G&G Split Gearbox Demo at IWA 2013

G&G Armament is the latest company to get in the split gearbox system box, which is now crowded by other Taiwanese... & SCDTV – GFC Motors testing and review & SCDTV – GFC Motors testing and review

Here the latest testing and review video from our friend SCDTV featuring the GFC new AEG, the detailed review is...

New LCT Airsoft M4 SE Version AEGs

New LCT Airsoft M4 SE Version AEGs

Daphne of LCT Airsoft sent in news about their newly released M4 Super Economic Version AEGs. How super economic these...

Airsoft Odyssey – M1 Garand: ICS or G&G

Airsoft Odyssey – M1 Garand: ICS or G&G

Madbadger Airsoft made a guest posting at Airsoft Odyssey on the M1 Garand for airsoft… “When comparing the finish of the...